Application form.
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Application form.
Aplication Form
* Character name:
* Character class:
* Real life age:
* Where do you live:
* We raid from 19:00 till 23:00 can u attend that?:
* Can u attend 3-4 raids per week?
* We are now doing Instances for progress, so will be alot wipe raids, u are not gonna whine about whipes?? :
* Insert Your Armory Link here :
* Do you have any real-life occupation:
* Have you been in any other guilds? If yes, why did you leave?
* Have you installed Deadly Boss Mods and KTM ?
* Why do you want to join Schism? :
* What Experience you got with tk,ssc,za:
Tk - 2/4
Ssc - 1/6
Za - 6/6
* Tell us something about yourself:
When you apply, post a new topic and in subject write you class and name. It should look like this: [Rogue] Loidas
P.S. If u will use old application form, application will be DECLIENED
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