Frost Mage 70
2 posters
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Frost Mage 70
* Character name: "answer"
* Character class: "answer"
Mage (Frost)
* Real life age: "answer"
* Where do you live: "answer"
* We raid from 19:00 till 23:00 can u attend that?: "answer"
* Can u attend 3-4 raids per week? "answer"
Yes unless of course I have some important event (weddings, family birthdays etc.) during one week might miss one of the raids
* Insert Your Armory Link here : "link"
Make sure i have my PVE gear on ----
* Do you have any real-life occupation: "answer"
* Have you been in any other guilds? If yes, why did you leave? "answer"
Yes .. reason for leaving was my previous guild got Disbanded
* Why do you want to join Schism? : "answer"
I am looking for a friendly guild that raids 25 man raids and Schism was referenced to me by a Friend
* What Experience you got with tk,ssc,za:
Tk - 1/4
Ssc - 2/6
Za - 5/6
* Tell us something about yourself: "answer"
Well not much to say my main interests are Visual effects and graphic design along with Web Page design I have been playing wow for some time now and I like to think of my self as a funny person there I hope thats enough ^^if not you can always /w in game
* Character class: "answer"
Mage (Frost)
* Real life age: "answer"
* Where do you live: "answer"
* We raid from 19:00 till 23:00 can u attend that?: "answer"
* Can u attend 3-4 raids per week? "answer"
Yes unless of course I have some important event (weddings, family birthdays etc.) during one week might miss one of the raids
* Insert Your Armory Link here : "link"
Make sure i have my PVE gear on ----
* Do you have any real-life occupation: "answer"
* Have you been in any other guilds? If yes, why did you leave? "answer"
Yes .. reason for leaving was my previous guild got Disbanded
* Why do you want to join Schism? : "answer"
I am looking for a friendly guild that raids 25 man raids and Schism was referenced to me by a Friend
* What Experience you got with tk,ssc,za:
Tk - 1/4
Ssc - 2/6
Za - 5/6
* Tell us something about yourself: "answer"
Well not much to say my main interests are Visual effects and graphic design along with Web Page design I have been playing wow for some time now and I like to think of my self as a funny person there I hope thats enough ^^if not you can always /w in game
Kyris- Private
- Number of posts : 2
Registration date : 2008-04-19
Re: Frost Mage 70
Kyris Here . I noticed there was an update on the Application Form
the question about addons was added
And the answer is : yes i have deadly boss, omen, ktm, CT raid and a couple other raid addons but i'm willing to download more or disable any depending on what guild requires
the question about addons was added
And the answer is : yes i have deadly boss, omen, ktm, CT raid and a couple other raid addons but i'm willing to download more or disable any depending on what guild requires
Kyris- Private
- Number of posts : 2
Registration date : 2008-04-19
Re: Frost Mage 70
Nice gear and experience, tho still need to wait for mage cl to reply here ;/
Gyd- Guild master
- Number of posts : 8
Registration date : 2008-03-12
Re: Frost Mage 70
Since our mage cl is abit too slacky i will accept ur application
Gyd- Guild master
- Number of posts : 8
Registration date : 2008-03-12
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