70 Hunter, Tregos
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70 Hunter, Tregos
Character name: "Tregos"
* Character class: "Hunter"
* Real life age: "16 years old"
* Where do you live: "Denmark"
* We raid from 19:00 till 23:00 can u attend that?: "Yes, should be no problem there."
* Can u attend 3-4 raids per week? "Yes, sounds good for me"
* Insert Your Armory Link here : "http://eu.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Sylvanas&n=Tregos"
* Do you have any real-life occupation: "yep. I go to school. I play handball, and have a job in the afternoon. But shouldnt do so i cant raid with you."
* Have you been in any other guilds? Yes. I was in Purgatory 3 moths ago. Some trouble came up in my real life, and i had to quit playing. I loved my time there, but had to quit the game, but now im back, and rdy for some raiding and progress!."
* Have you installed Deadly Boss Mods and KTM ? "yes all installed."
* Why do you want to join Schism? : "You seem like a guild, who wants to progress, and thats exactly what im looking for. I really want to start raid, and explore the whole game"
* What Experience you got with tk,ssc,za:
Tk - 2/4
Kara - Full
* Tell us something about yourself: "I play handball twice a week, and in the weekends i usually go get drunk, or play computer. depends on what is happening that weekend.
I hope you will consider my application, and if you have anything you need an answer on, feel free to /w me ingame."
Regards Tregos.
* Character class: "Hunter"
* Real life age: "16 years old"
* Where do you live: "Denmark"
* We raid from 19:00 till 23:00 can u attend that?: "Yes, should be no problem there."
* Can u attend 3-4 raids per week? "Yes, sounds good for me"
* Insert Your Armory Link here : "http://eu.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Sylvanas&n=Tregos"
* Do you have any real-life occupation: "yep. I go to school. I play handball, and have a job in the afternoon. But shouldnt do so i cant raid with you."
* Have you been in any other guilds? Yes. I was in Purgatory 3 moths ago. Some trouble came up in my real life, and i had to quit playing. I loved my time there, but had to quit the game, but now im back, and rdy for some raiding and progress!."
* Have you installed Deadly Boss Mods and KTM ? "yes all installed."
* Why do you want to join Schism? : "You seem like a guild, who wants to progress, and thats exactly what im looking for. I really want to start raid, and explore the whole game"
* What Experience you got with tk,ssc,za:
Tk - 2/4
Kara - Full
* Tell us something about yourself: "I play handball twice a week, and in the weekends i usually go get drunk, or play computer. depends on what is happening that weekend.
I hope you will consider my application, and if you have anything you need an answer on, feel free to /w me ingame."
Regards Tregos.
Docharz- Private
- Number of posts : 1
Registration date : 2008-04-18
Re: 70 Hunter, Tregos
Heey m8, we are kinda full on hunters atm.
I wish u good luck in the future..
I wish u good luck in the future..
Blackelv- Private
- Number of posts : 5
Registration date : 2008-04-15
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